One of the designers of the Talgo train and became known
as the “betrayer of the Iron Ring”.
Born in Elorrio on 23 March 1895. He was the engineer in charge of the construction of the fortified defences in the hills surrounding Bilbao known as the Iron Ring, which were intended to protect the city against the advance of Franco´s troops during the Spanish Civil War.
In 1937 he switched sides, taking with him documents of vital importance including the locations of apparently impregnable bunkers, troop positions and trenches, all marked with great precision on sketches that he had drawn up. This was instrumental in the fall of the Ring and the entry of Franco’s troops into the city.
Work began in 1938 on the design and building of a type of train that was to become known as the Talgo. He was involved in the design and construction of the Talgo. As an engineer he was highly innovative for his times. He worked for years on the La Robla railway line, and put forward many ideas on how to reduce the weight of trains so as to save fuel and increase speed. Some of his ideas can still be seen today in the container systems used for goods transport and in lightweight high-speed trains.
Alejandro Goikoetxea died in Madrid on 30th January 1984 at the age of 89.

Antzeko Artikuluak
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