by Bulegoa(e)ko Turismo | 2024 Apr 5 | Highlighhted, Highlighted 1, Highlighted 2, History
Traditional trade When he granted Elorrio its town charter in 1356 Don Tello, Lord of Bizkaia, had two purposes in mind: to provide a defensive bastion and to strengthen trade. In the newly founded town agriculture was important but it was not the main way of...
by Bulegoa(e)ko Turismo | 2024 Mar 3 | Highlighhted, Highlighted 1, Highlighted 2, History
March 31st The Aviazione Legendaria Italiana planes that left Soria on 31st March 1937 and entered Duranguesado bombed Elorrio and Durango at around 8:30 a.m., destroying both towns. The aim of the bombing was to destroy the main roads leading to Arrasate and Elgeta....
by Bulegoa(e)ko Turismo | 2024 Feb 4 | Festivals, Highlighhted, Highlighted 1, Highlighted 2
Carnival Carnivals are festivals celebrated all over the world towards the end of winter. It has been believed that in the Basque Country there was a call to awaken the earth with noise.Carnival has to do, as already mentioned, with the celebrations of the spring...